Featured: Ocean Panel member representatives join meeting at the Élysée in Paris Arrow Featured: Read the new report on ocean and human health Arrow Featured: Countries sign onto a joint declaration on ocean and climate action Arrow


Over 350 experts representing
54 countries have
contributed to
Ocean Panel-commissioned research

Their peer-reviewed publications are providing the latest science and knowledge to inform the Ocean Panel’s new ocean action agenda.

of the experts
are women

publications to date
have been released

Expert Co-Leads
Dr. Jacqueline Uku
Principal Research Scientist,

Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI)

Dr. Jacqueline Uku
United States
Dr. Judith T Kildow
Director Emeritus of the National Ocean Economics Program
Dr. Judith T Kildow
Professor Peter Haugan, Ph.D.
Institute of Marine Research, Norway
Professor Peter Haugan, Ph.D.
Andy Steven
Director of Coasts,

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)

Ghislaine Llewellyn
Deputy Practice Leader – Oceans,

WWF International, Australia

Melissa Walsh
Lead, Ocean Finance and Blue Economy,

Minderoo Foundation

Ben Milligan
Scientia Fellow,

University of New South Wales

Ove Hoegh-Guldberg
Professor and Director,

Global Change Institute

Tony Worby
CEO of Flourishing Oceans,

Minderoo Foundation

Ben Milligan
Director, Sustainable Development Reform Hub,

University of New South Wales

Rashid Sumaila
Professor and Director of the Fisheries Economics Research Unit,

University of British Columbia, Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries

Colette Wabnitz
Research Associate,

University of British Columbia

William Cheung
Director of Science, and Associate Professor, Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, Nippon Foundation,

UBC Nereus Program, Changing Ocean Research Unit, University of British Columbia

Jake Rice
Chief Scientist Emeritis,

Department of Fisheries and Oceans

Boris Worm
Professor, Department of Biology,

Dalhousie University

Stefan Gelcich

Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile

Miriam Fernandez Bergia
School of Biological Sciences Chile,

Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile

Mauricio Galvez
Independent Consultant
Sigfried Husak
General Manager, Transporte,

Logistica y Comercio Ltda

Renato Andrés Quiñones
Professor, Department of Oceanograph , University of Concepción,

Director, Interdisciplinary Center for Aquaculture Research (INCAR)

Minhan Dai
Professor, College of Ocean & Earth Sciences,

Xiamen University

Ling Cao
Research Scientist,

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Peiqing Guo
Executive Director of the Institute of Polar Law and Policy,

Ocean University of China, Qingdao

Costa Rica
Costa Rica
Miguel Cifuentes-Jara
Senior Director of Blue Climate,

Conservation International

Niels Vestergaard
Head of Department and Professor,

The Management and Economics of Resources and Environment (MERE); Department of Sociology, Environmental and Business Economics; Centre for Fisheries & Aquaculture Management & Economics University of Southern Denmark

Joeli Veitayaki
Director and Associate Professor at the School of Marine Studies,

University of the South Pacific, Institute of Marine Resources

Anthony Cox
Deputy Director, Environment Directorate,


Adrien Vincent
Ocean Lead,


Joachim Claudet
French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) CRIOBE
Julien Rochette
Director of the Ocean Programme,

Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI)

Elisabetta Bonotto
Project Coordinator, International Partnership for Blue Carbon,


Torsten Thiele
Senior Research Associate,

Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam

Kwasi Appeaning Addo
Director, Institute for Environment and Sanitation Studies (IESS),

Associate Professor, The Department of Marine and Fisheries Sciences, University of Ghana

Kamal Deen-Ali
Executive Director,

Centre for Maritime Law and Security, Africa

Carl Fiati
Ag. Director, Natural Resources,

Environmental Protection Agency

Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Yvonne Sadovy
Professor School of Biological Sciences, Chair of Science Faculty Board,

University of Hong Kong

Ragnar Arnason

University of Iceland

Brajesh Dubey
Associate Professor, Environmental Engineering and Management,

Indian Institute of Technology

John Kurien
Visiting Professor, Azim Premji University, India,

Honorary Fellow, WorldFish Center

Mas Achmad Santosa
Deputy Head,

Indonesia Presidential Task Force to Combat Illegal Fishing

Sjarief Widjaja
Head of Research. Human Resources, Professor, Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries;,

Shipping Faculty, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)

Hassan Wirajuda
Chairman, Expert Working Group on IUU Fishing,

Ministry of Marine and Fisheries Affairs, Republic of Indonesia

Zainal Arifin
Deputy Chairman for Earth Science,

The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)

Nur  Hassan Wirajuda
Board of Advisors Center for International Relations and Sustainable Development;  Former Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs; Indonesian President Joko Widodo’s Special Envoy
Hide Sakaguchi
Executive Director,

Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)

David Obura


Jacqueline Uku
Principal Research Scientist,

Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI)

Edward H. Allison
Honorary Fellow,

WorldFish Center

Gareth Johnstone
Director General,

WorldFish Center

Elva Escobar Briones
Director, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología,

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Alejandro Robles Gonzalez
Executive Chairman and Founder,

Noroeste Sustentable

Jorge Torre
General Director and Co-Founder,

Comunidad y Biodiversidad (COBI)

Paulus Kainge
Chief Scientist and Head, Demersal Sub-Division,

Directorate of Resource Management / NatMIRC

Olanike Adeyemo
Professor of Aquatic Epidemiology and Toxicology, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research, Innovation & Strategic Partnerships),

University of Ibadan

Chidi Ibe
Professor of Oceanograpy and the Blue Economy,

NUC Distinguished Scholar in Diaspora

Jan-Gunnar Winther

Centre for the Ocean and the Arctic

Peter M. Haugan

Institute of Marine Research, Norway

Yimnang Golbuu

The Palau International Coral Reef Center

Narcisa Bandarra
Head of Aquaculture and Upgrading,

Portuguese Institute of Sea and Atmosphere

Adelino Canário
Professor, Centre of Marine Sciences,

University of Algarve

Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Carlos Duarte
Tarek Ahmed Juffali Research Chair in Red Sea Ecology, Red Sea Research Center (RSRC),

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Salif Diop
Professor, Member Sciences Academies,

Member of Agricultural Section; President of Commission

Kelly Hoareau
Director, James Michel Blue Economy Research Institute (BERI),

University of Seychelles

South Africa
South Africa
Emma Witbooi


Mark Swilling
Distinguished Professor, Programme Coordinator, Sustainable Development in the School of Public Leadership, University of Stellenbosch,

Academic Director, Sustainability Institute

Tanya Brodie Rudolph
Research Fellow, Centre for Complex Systems in Transition,

CEO, Enviromer

Rachel Wynberg
Associate Professor,

National Research Foundation South Africa

Dire Tladi

Institute of Comparative and International Law in Africa

Robert Blasiak
Postdoctoral Researcher, Stockholm Resilience Centre,

Stockholm University

Henrik Österblom
Deputy Science Director, Stockholm Resilience Centre,

Stockholm University

Nathalie Roth
Managing Director and Owner,

4Climate S.à.r.l.

Yunus Mgaya
Professor of Aquatic Science,

University of Dar es Salaam

Joyashree Roy
Bangabandhu Chair Professor,

Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)

United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Eliza Northrop
Policy Lead for the Secretariat for the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy,

Senior Associate for the World Resources Institute’s Sustainable Ocean Initiative

Nicola Frost
Deputy Head of Secretariat,

High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy

Elizabeth Hollaway
Research Assistant,

World Resources Institute, Sustainable Ocean Initiative

Ina Porras
Senior Researcher,

International Institute for Environment and Development

Alex D. Rogers
Science Director,

REV Ocean

Siva Thambisetty
Associate Professor of Law,

London School of Economics

Tony Long

Global Fishing Watch

Martin R. Stuchtey


Maximilian Bucher


Alan Simcock
Joint Coordinator of the Regular Process (World Ocean Assessment),


Lucy Woodall
Senior Researcher, Principal Scientist, Ocean Research and Conservation Group, Oxford University,

Nekton Oxford Deep Ocean Research Institute

Oliver S. Ashford
Program Associate, World Resources Institute,

World Resources Institute

Leah Glass
Technical Advisor, Blue Carbon,

Blue Ventures

United States of America
United States
Manaswita Konar
Lead Ocean Economist,

World Resources Institute, Sustainable Ocean Initiative

Yoshitaka Ota
Research Assistant Professor, School of Marine and Environmental Affairs,

University of Washington

Eli P. Fenichel
Associate Professor, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies,

Yale University

Helen Ding
Environmental Economist,

World Resources Institute

Lisa A. Levin
Distinguished Professor, Scripps Institution of Oceanography,

University of California, San Diego

Mary Ruckelshaus
Senior Research Scientist, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment,

Stanford University

Jenna Jambeck
Associate Professor, College of Engineering,

University of Georgia

Ellie Moss

Blue Skye

Octavio Aburto-Oropeza
Director of the Gulf of California Marine Program, Assistant Professor,

Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO)

Kirsten Grorud-Colvert
Department of Integrative Biology,

Oregon State University

Jim Leape
Co-Director and Senior Fellow, Woods Institute for the Environment,

Stanford University (Center for Ocean Solutions)

Mark R. Abbott
President & Director,

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute

Steve Gaines
Dean and Distinguished Professor, Bren School of Environmental Science & Management,

University of California, Santa Barbara

Reniel Cabral
Postdoctoral Researcher, Environmental Market Solutions Lab (emLab),

University of California, Santa Barbara

Christopher M. Free
Postdoctoral Scholar,

University of California, Santa Barbara

Christopher Costello
Professor of Environmental and Resource Economics at the Bren School of Environmental Science & Management,

University of California, Santa Barbara

Andreas Merkl

CEA Consulting

Scott Barrett
Lenfest-Earth Institute Professor of Natural Resource Economics,

Columbia University

Glenn-Marie Lange
Senior Environmental Economist and Chief Technical Advisory, Natural Capital Accounting,

The World Bank

Douglas McCauley
Initiative Director and Assistant Professor Benioff Ocean Initiative,

University of California, Santa Barbara

Lisa Schindler Murray
Director, Natural Climate Solutions,


Jennifer Howard
Marine Climate Change Director,

Conservation International

Emily Landis
Climate and Ocean Lead,

Nature Conservancy

Vu Thanh Ca

More than two years ago, Ocean Panel members set out to develop a transformative set of recommendations and actions to advance a sustainable ocean economy, prioritising a healthy ocean alongside sustainable production to benefit people everywhere.

To help ensure the high quality and intellectual integrity of the Ocean Panel’s commissioned work, the Panel established an Expert Group composed of over 70 global experts.

The Expert Group assisted in bringing together a wider group of ocean experts from around the world to author a series of Blue Papers that explore pressing challenges at the nexus of the ocean and the economy. Special Reports provide rapid analysis on other timely ocean topics important for evolving the Ocean Panel’s agenda.

Expert Group Members
  • Adrien Vincent Albatros Advisory
  • Aidin Niamir Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Institute
  • Alan Fyall University of Central Florida
  • Andreas Humpe Munich University of Applied Science
  • Angelique Pouponneau Munich University of Applied Science
  • Ayodeji Olukoju Munich University of Applied Science
  • Bethan O’Leary University of Exeter
  • Britta Denise Hardesty CSIRO
  • Bruce Prideaux Central Queensland University
  • Callum Roberts University of Exeter
  • Carryn de Moor University of Cape Town
  • Chris Free University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Christina Hicks Lancaster University
  • Chris Wilcox Director Fisheries and Conservation, Minderoo Foundation
  • Christopher Golden Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health
  • Claire Huang NOAA
  • David Koweek Ocean Visions
  • Derek Tittensor Dalhousie University
  • Diva Amon University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Dominique Benzaken Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security
  • Duncan Copeland Trygg Mat Tracking (TMT)
  • Elena Ojea University of Vigo
  • Eli Fenichel Yale University
  • Elisabetta Bonotto Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
  • Elizabeth Hollaway University of New South Wales
  • Elva Escobar Briones Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia
  • Emily Landis The Nature Conservancy
  • Enriqueta Velarde Universidad Veracruzana, Instituto de Cienciass Marinas y Pesquerías
  • Eva Ternon Sorbonne University, Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche
  • Fabio Favoretto Scripps Institution of Oceanography
  • Felicia Chinwe Mogo African Marine Environment Sustainability Initiative (AFMESI)
  • Finn Gunnar Nielsen University of Bergen
  • Francisco (Patxi) Greño Metroeconomica SL
  • Freya Higgins-Desbiolles University of South Australia
  • Gakushi Ishimura Iwate University
  • Georgie Sowman The National Health System and Healthcare Ocean
  • Halley Froehlich University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Hannah Lily Independent Consultant
  • Hennie Van As Professor of Law and Director: FishFORCE Academy
  • Henrik Österblom Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
  • Hervé Rapps Centre Scientifique de Monaco – Monaco Scientific Center
  • Hide Sakaguchi President of Ocean Policy Research Institute, Sasakawa Peace Foundation
  • Ibon Galarraga Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) and Metroeconomica
  • Ina Porras Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, UK
  • Ingrid van Putten CSIRO
  • Isaac Boateng Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED)
  • Itziar Ruiz-Gauna Metroeconomica S.L.
  • Jacqueline Uku Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI)
  • James Kairo Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute
  • Jan Bebbington University of Lancaster
  • Jan Yves Remy University of the West Indies
  • Jan-Gunnar Winther UiT The Arctic University of Norway
  • Jeremy Sampson The Travel Foundation
  • Joachim Claudet CNRS
  • John Kurien
  • Joy Kumagai Stanford University
  • Judith Kildow
  • Karen Alexander Heriot-Watt University
  • Karen Sack Ocean Risk and Resilience Action Alliance
  • Karyn Morrissey DTU (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet)
  • Katharina Fabricius Australian Institute of Marine Science
  • Kathryn Mengerink Waitt Institute
  • Kelly Hoareau University of Tasmania
  • Kilaparti Ramakrishna Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
  • Kristine Grimsrud Statistics Norway
  • Kwasi Appeaning Addo University of Ghana
  • Leah Glass Blue Ventures
  • Linda Nøstbakken Statistics Norway
  • Lisa Bishop Friends of Hanauma Bay
  • Lisa Levin Scripps Institution of Oceanography Deep-Ocean Stewardship Initiative
  • Lisa Schindler Murray Rare – Director, Natural Climate Solutions, Blue Carbon
  • Lora Fleming European Centre for Environment and Human Health, University of Exeter School of Medicine
  • Lota Alcantara Creencia Western Philippines University
  • Louise Heaps WWF
  • Louise Twining International Finance Corporation & the World Bank Group
  • Lucy Woodall University of Exeter
  • Luz Gil The Nature Conservancy
  • Maddie Millington-Drake Blue Marine Foundation
  • Mahmudul Islam Sylhet Agricultural University
  • Maksim Godovykh University of Central Florida
  • Manaswita Konar Shell International
  • Marcel Jaspars University of Aberdeen
  • Mari Myksvoll Institute of Marine Research
  • Marie Antonette Juinio-Meñez University of the Philippines Marine Science Institute
  • Marina Novelli University of Nottingham Business School
  • Marit Miners Misool Resort and Misool Foundation
  • Mark Abbott Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
  • Mark Hemer CSIRO
  • Mark Michelin CEA Consulting
  • Martin Quaas Leipzig University
  • Marty Matlock University of Arkansas
  • Mat Vanderklift CSIRO
  • Mat White University of Vienna
  • Matthew Frost Plymouth Marine Laboratory
  • Maximilian Bucher-Melcer Cornell University
  • Megan Saunders CSIRO
  • Michael Fabinyi University of Technology, Sydney
  • Michael Melnychuk Marine Stewardship Council
  • Michelle Voyer University of Wollongong
  • Miguel A. Cisneros-Mata National Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture
  • Miguel Cifuentes-Jara Conservation International
  • Minhan Dai Xiamen University
  • Miriam Fernandez Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Nathan Bennett WWF
  • Nicole Franz FAO
  • Niels Vestergaard University of Southern Denmark
  • Patricio Azcárate Díaz de Losada Biosphere & Responsible Tourism Institute
  • Per Erik Bergh Stop Illegal Fishing
  • Peter Schuhmann University of North Carolina Wilmington
  • Peter Haugan Norwegian Institute of Marine Research
  • Philip Landrigan Boston College
  • Piera Tortora OECD
  • Radisti Praptiwi Universitas Esa Unggul, Jakarta
  • Reniel Cabral James Cook University
  • Richard Hixson National Health Service
  • Robert Blasiak Stockholm Resilience Centre
  • Roberto Berlinck Universidade de São Paulo
  • Sam Teicher Coral Vita
  • Sarah Fangman NOAA Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
  • Sarika Maharaj Independent Consultant
  • Sergio Alvarez University of Central Florida
  • Shaun Mann World Bank Group
  • Sheila Heymans European Marine Board
  • Shreya Some Asian Institute of Technology
  • Sophie Arnaud-Haond Ifremer-France
  • Stefan Gossling Linnaeus University, Sweden
  • Steven Gaines University of California Santa Barbara
  • Sue Snyman School of Wildlife Conservation
  • Swayamprabha Das Development Alternative Group
  • Tabitha Grace Mallory China Ocean Institute LLC
  • Taina Goncalves Loureiro University of New South Wales
  • Tanya Brodie Rudolph Stellenbosch University, Enviromer
  • Tess Geers Oceana
  • Thomas Astell-Burt University of Wollongong
  • Tony Long Global Fishing Watch
  • Torsten Thiele Global Ocean Trust
  • Tracey Mangin Environmental Markets Lab, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Tracey Sutton Guy Harvey Oceanographic Research Center, Nova Southeastern University
  • Virginia Fernandez-Trapa UNWTO
  • Vu Thanh Ca Ha Noi University of Natural Resources and Environment
  • Wiebren Johannes Boonstra Uppsala University
  • William Gerwick University California San Diego (Scripps Institute Oceanography)
  • Willow Battista Environmental Defense Fund
  • Wouter Schalken Asian Development Bank
  • Zainal Arifin National Research and Innovation Agency

Please note that additional names may be added, as permissions to share personal data are received in line with EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

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