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What Role for Ocean-Based Renewable Energy and Deep-Seabed Minerals in a Sustainable Future?

Building a sustainable global energy system is intimately linked to both scaling up renewable energy and finding a way to source and use rare minerals in a more sustainable way.

Full Report

This paper examines how and to what degree energy from the ocean can contribute to the climate agenda and achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), including identifying new solutions and their potential impact, as well as addressing related safety and environmental concerns.

Additionally, the paper discusses current developments in green technology and the potential for deep-seabed mineral mining to help meet rising technological demand, as well as the related environmental risks, legal and rights-based challenges, conflict with Sustainable Development Goals and future policy options.

This Blue Paper was launched 24 June 2020 via a webinar ‘The Link between Ocean Energy and Mineral Resources’ by Blue Paper authors Lisa Levin and Peter Haugan and Secretariat team members Ines Aguiar Branco and Katie Flanagan.

It was also featured in a WRI blog post, ‘Clean Energy Can’t Come at the Expense of the Ocean—and It Doesn’t Have To’ by Blue Paper authors Lisa Levin and Peter Haugan and Secretariat team members Ines Aguiar Branco and Katie Flanagan.

Additionally, Nature Sustainability published an adapted version of the Blue Paper titled ‘Challenges to the sustainability of deep-seabed mining’

The lead authors of this paper are Peter M. Haugan and Lisa A. Levin. Contributing authors include Diva Amon, Mark Hemer, Hannah Lily, and Finn Gunnar Nielsen.

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