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Coastal Development: Resilience, Restoration and Infrastructure Requirements

This paper highlights trends in coastal behaviour and comments on the dynamics that weaken and strengthen coastlines, including infrastructure, shipping, tourism, and future development plans.

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The paper makes an economic and security case for resilient coastlines, examines trade-offs between restoration and infrastructure development and recommends new models for shipping and tourism.

‘Coastal Development: Resilience, Restoration and Infrastructure Requirements’ launched via a webinar on 28 October 2020. The event was moderated by the head of the Ocean Panel Secretariat, Kristian Teleki and featured Australia’s Sherpa Russel Reichelt alongside authors Andy Steven, Kwasi Appeaning Addo, Ghislaine Llewellyn, and Vu Thanh Ca as well as contributing author Chris Gillies.

Blue Paper authors Andy Steven and Ghislaine Llewellyn also published a blog post, ‘4 Opportunities to Shore Up the World’s Coastal Ecosystems and Communities’, in WRI Insights.

The lead authors of this paper are Andy Steven, Kwasi Appeaning Addo, Ghislaine Llewellyn and Ca Vu Thanh. Contributing authors include Isaac Boateng, Rodrigo Bustamante, Christopher Doropoulos, Chris Gillies, Mark Hemer, Priscila Lopes, James Kairo, Munsur Rahman, Lalao Aigrette Ravaoarinorotsihoarana, Megan Saunders, Rashid Sumaila, Frida Sidik, Louise Teh, Mat Vanderklift and Maria Vozzo.

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