How can a healthy ocean improve human health and enhance wellbeing on a rapidly changing planet?

However far we live from it, a healthy ocean is imperative to human health, from sourcing critical medication and nutritious diets, to providing new medicines and space for beneficial physical activity. The ocean holds largely unrecognised and unrealised potential to improve human health, support mental health and wellbeing, create economic opportunity and advance social justice. […]

The Ocean as a Solution to Climate Change: Updated Opportunities for Action

The ocean regulates our climate and can significantly buffer the worst impacts of climate change, absorbing human-induced carbon dioxide emissions and heat from the atmosphere. However, the ocean is telling us enough is enough with sea surface temperatures breaking records, sea water becoming increasingly acidic, oxygen levels depleting and sea levels rising.   These impacts are […]

Opportunities for Transforming Coastal and Marine Tourism: Towards Sustainability, Regeneration and Resilience

In December 2020, the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy (Ocean Panel) released its ‘Transformations for a Sustainable Ocean Economy: A Vision for Protection, Production and Prosperity’. One of the pillars of action within this ambitious roadmap for a sustainable ocean economy was for sustainable ocean-based tourism, establishing the goal that by 2030 […]

A Sustainable and Equitable Blue Recovery to the COVID-19 Crisis

A healthy ocean is the foundation for vibrant economies. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, ocean-based industries were estimated to contribute 2.5 percent of world gross value added and over 31 million direct full-time jobs. However, as governments seek to reset and rebuild following the pandemic, the ocean economy has been overlooked in stimulus measures, especially when one considers the pandemic’s devastating impacts on workers and […]

A Sustainable Ocean Economy for 2050: Approximating Its Benefits and Costs

The ocean faces urgent environmental challenges and taking action to protect ocean-based ecosystems and ensure the environmental sustainability of ocean-based activities will help deliver a host of benefits to society. Building on the Special Report ‘The Ocean as a Solution to Climate Change: Five Opportunities for Action’, this new Ocean Panel–commissioned research finds that investing $1 in key […]

The Ocean Transition: What to Learn from System Transitions

In paving the way for a sustainable ocean economy, it is important to learn from comparable global transitions in the past. This paper examines past successes and failures and their key contributing factors, identifying relevant lessons learned to be applied to the ocean context. The paper considers the current dynamics of transition already under way, […]

Integrated Ocean Management

Drawing lessons from previous successes and failures, the paper identifies existing impediments in policy and practice and lays out a set of steps and guiding principles towards successfully integrated ocean management. It assesses current opportunities to accelerate progress and the impact of these opportunities on jobs and equity. On 20 May 2020, the paper was […]

Critical Habitats and Biodiversity: Inventory, Thresholds and Governance

This paper examines the distribution of species and critical marine habitats across the world’s oceans; analyses trends in drivers, pressures, impacts and response; and establishes thresholds for protecting biodiversity hotspots, as well as indicators to monitor change. From this scientific base, it assesses the current legal framework and available tools for biodiversity protection, current gaps […]

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