Featured: Ocean Panel member representatives join meeting at the Élysée in Paris Arrow Featured: Read the new report on ocean and human health Arrow Featured: Countries sign onto a joint declaration on ocean and climate action Arrow

Gloria Fluxa Thieneman — Vision setting: A sustainable coastal and marine tourism sector in 2030 and 2050

Coastal and ocean-based tourism has to thrive to build resilient destinations where the assets both the tourism industry and residents depend upon are restored, protected and sustainably managed. This encompasses building resilience to climate change, reducing risks associated with climate-induced events and investing in nature-based solutions for mitigation and adaptation. It includes shifting from the […]

Daniel Gschwind — Vision Setting: Sustainable Ocean tourism in 2030 and 2050

Sustainability is not an option for tourism, it is core business. The Queensland Tourism Industry Council (QTIC) has 1,000 direct members and about 3,000 affiliate regional members. They include large and small tourism operators, training organisations, universities, consultants, industry suppliers and even local councils. Our members operate in a state with some of Australia’s most iconic […]

Gloria Lazaro — Vision Setting: Sustainable Ocean tourism in 2030 and 2050

Contributors: François Guerquin, Julien Le Tellier, Helena Rey and Lina Tode   The Mediterranean is an emblematic region for coastal and marine tourism, with trends and challenges reflective of the global situation. With unique landscapes and ecosystems, as well as a rich biodiversity, it offers a wide-ranging cultural and historical heritage. Its authenticity, well-connected locations, […]

Caroline Tippett — Vision setting: A sustainable coastal and marine tourism sector in 2030 and 2050

As pandemic restrictions are being lifted gradually in most coastal regions, millions of tourists will be swarming to their favourite beach destinations this summer. Tourism remains an effective and familiar way for people to connect with nature. Although a healthy ocean is unequivocally a cornerstone of high-quality traveller experiences, the most significant market-based contributor to […]

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