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Chile’s Sustainable Ocean Plan

Jun 8, 2023

Chile’s Foreign Minister Alberto van Klaveren, and the Ministers who conform the Council for National Ocean Policy, recently signed a decree to enact Chile’s National Ocean Program. This will serve as Chile’s Sustainable Ocean Plan, a road map towards achieving 100% sustainable management of the ocean under national jurisdiction. 

This is a coordinated approach involving five different ministries within the Chilean government that have collectively developed 41 initiatives aimed at achieving a more sustainable and responsible use of the ocean. The initiative takes a multisector approach, working across conservation areas; economic development; security and ocean; ocean and territory; and scientific development. This Ocean Program is a demonstration of the joint and coordinated work between the different sectors, demonstrating coherence in the development of ocean matters in Chile. 

The program’s core objectives are designed to uphold Chile’s interests in the Pacific Ocean, with conservation being a critical aspect. Chile currently protects 43% of its jurisdictional waters, exceeding global goals set by more than 100 countries aiming to protect 30% of their waters by 2030.   

However, the Foreign Minister emphasised the need for further work in developing management mechanisms for effective protection and adaptation to climate change. This is particularly crucial given the rising sea levels, increasing ocean temperatures, and acidification associated with global warming. 

Read Chile’s National Ocean Program  

Read more about Sustainable Ocean Plans 

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