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Take your knowledge a step further and learn more about blue carbon ecosystems. The Blue Carbon Handbook is an essential guide to blue carbon ecosystems and the benefits they provide to people and nature.

Take your knowledge a step further and learn more about blue carbon ecosystems. The Blue Carbon Handbook is an essential guide to blue carbon ecosystems and the benefits they provide to people and nature.

#1. Blue carbon ecosystems can absorb and store large quantities of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, making them a valuable ally in tackling the climate crisis. How much more carbon per area can they store compared to tropical forests?

#2. The slow decomposition of blue carbon ecosystems is one reason why they are so good at sequestering carbon. How long can they hold onto this carbon for?

#3. Beyond their ability to store carbon, these ecosystems provide other natural benefits including:

#4. Despite their importance, blue carbon ecosystems are at risk — what are their main threats?

#5. Since the 1950’s, what percent of salt marshes are estimated to have been lost globally?

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