Featured: Ocean Panel member representatives join meeting at the Élysée in Paris Arrow Featured: Read the new report on ocean and human health Arrow Featured: Countries sign onto a joint declaration on ocean and climate action Arrow

Climate Change: The Plan to Save Our Oceans

Ocean Panel co-chair Prime Minister Solberg of Norway discusses the new Ocean Action agenda in this BBC World Service Newsday interview by Lawrence Pollard.

Ocean Panel Global Launch & National Events

True sustainability has long been elusive for the ocean. It’s time to act. That’s why on 2 December, the Ocean Panel’s 14 serving world leaders united to launch a new ocean action agenda, committing to sustainably manage 100% of national waters by 2025. Learn more via @OceanPanel on Twitter and join the conversation using #SustainableOceanEconomy […]

The Human Relationship with Our Ocean Planet

This webinar launches the Blue Paper ‘The Human Relationship with our Ocean Planet’ which identifies the diverse relationships with the ocean that contribute to human wellbeing and recommends actions that can help ensure the creation of a fair and equitable sustainable ocean economy that recognises these relationships. Moderated by Heather Koldewey (Zoological Society of London) […]

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