Good Ocean Management Is Key to the Future of Food
Chile’s El Ágora discusses how sustainable ocean management is key to the future of food, featuring insights from the Blue Paper ‘The Future of Food from the Sea’.
Chile’s El Ágora discusses how sustainable ocean management is key to the future of food, featuring insights from the Blue Paper ‘The Future of Food from the Sea’.
Ocean Panel Expert Group co-chair Jane Lubchenco comments on the Ocean Panel’s commitment to 100% sustainable ocean management in this WRI podcast.
The Global Seafood Alliance features the Special Report ‘Ocean Solutions that Benefit People, Nature and the Economy’.
Ocean Panel co-chair Prime Minister Solberg of Norway agrees to be a Patron of the Ocean Decade Alliance.
The Packard Foundation calls for more just and equitable approaches to managing ocean resources and ocean conservation outcomes, featuring the Blue Paper ‘Towards Ocean Equity’.
Ocean Panel supporting member Peter Thomson, UN Special Envoy for the Ocean, calls for more support for sustainable ocean practices in this Al Jazeera op-ed.
Driven by the Ocean Panel’s commitment on sustainable ocean food, the science-industry initiative Seafood Business for Ocean Stewardship (SeaBOS), announces that for the first time in the history of seafood production, ten of the largest seafood companies in the world have committed to a set of time-bound and measurable goals that will ensure the industry […]
Ocean Panel country member Japan passes a new law which will prevent IUU-sourced seafood from entering their market. The law aligns Japan with the European Union and the United States of America’s positions on IUU fishing, marking a pivotal moment as the world’s three largest seafood consumers all definitively bar products sourced by IUU fishing […]
Stanford University’s Center for Ocean Solutions covers the launch of the Ocean Panel’s new ocean action agenda.
Ocean Panel Expert Group co-chairs Jane Lubchenco, Peter Haugan & Mari Pangestu comment on the Ocean Panel’s new ocean action agenda in this Nature comment.