Featured: Ocean Panel member representatives join meeting at the Élysée in Paris Arrow Featured: Read the new report on ocean and human health Arrow Featured: Countries sign onto a joint declaration on ocean and climate action Arrow

Oceans Are Central to the Future. Manage Them Wisely

On World Ocean Day, Hans Jacob Frydenlund, Ambassador of Norway to India, and Ratan P Watal, Member Secretary, Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister, Government of India, highlight the need for concerted action to ensure a more sustainable and integrated approach to the ocean in this op-ed published on Hindustan Times.

Integrated Ocean Management Can Accelerate Blue Growth

‘Integrated Ocean Management’ Blue Paper co-lead author Jan-Gunnar Winther reflects on how Integrated Ocean Management can accelerate blue growth in this blog published on The Economist World Ocean Initiative.

The Ocean: From Victim to Solution to Climate Change

Jane Lubchenco, Ocean Panel Expert Group co-chair and Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, lead author of the Special Report ‘The Ocean as a Solution for Climate Change: Five Opportunities for Action’ present key findings in this webinar.    

The Ocean as a Solution for Climate Change: 5 Opportunities for Action

Steve Gaines, Peter Haugan, and Manaswita Konar, authors of the Special Report ‘The Ocean as a Solution for Climate Change: Five Opportunities for Action’ discuss key findings and explore policies and innovations that could advance ocean-based strategies for climate change in this event, co-hosted by WRI and the Embassies of Chile, Fiji, Jamaica, Kenya, Mexico, […]

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