Featured: Ocean Panel member representatives join meeting at the Élysée in Paris Arrow Featured: Read the new report on ocean and human health Arrow Featured: Countries sign onto a joint declaration on ocean and climate action Arrow

Webinar: The Case for the Ocean as a Dual Solution to Climate Change and COVID-19 Recovery

As part of London Climate Action Week 2020, Head of Secretariat, Kristian Teleki moderates this discussion on the role that ocean-based climate action can play in delivering the environmental, social, health and financial benefits we need to see as humanity emerges from the COVID-19 crisis, featuring supporting Ocean Panel member Peter Thomson; Special Report lead […]

Ocean Panel Perspectives: Accelerating the Transition to a Sustainable Ocean Economy

Olai Uludong, Ocean Panel Sherpa for Palau; Vidar Helgesen, Ocean Panel Sherpa for Norway; Peter Thomson, honorary Ocean Panel member; Jane Lubchenco, Expert Group co-chair; and Mary Ruckelshaus, Blue Paper co-lead author share reflections on the road ahead for building a sustainable ocean economy, featuring insights from Blue Paper ‘The Ocean Transition: What to Learn […]

Joint Statement on the Role of a Sustainable Ocean Economy in a Post-COVID-19 World

Today, we celebrate World Oceans Day under unprecedented circumstances, as the world battles the COVID-19 pandemic and its associated health and economic challenges. We, the members of the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy, propose the ocean as a solution to a more resilient and prosperous world. This will be more important than […]

Envisioning a Blue Recovery

On World Ocean Day, the leaders of Norway and Palau argue that it’s time we look to the ocean for post-COVID resilience, sustainability and prosperity in this op-ed published in Project Syndicate and republished in Eco-Business, East Africa Business Week , The Gulf Times, The Jordan Times, Khaleej Times, and the Irish Examiner, amongst others.

OREAC: 1,400 GW of Offshore Wind Is Possible by 2050, and Will Be Key for Green Recovery

On World Ocean Day, the Ocean Renewable Energy Action Coalition (OREAC) announces its vision for 1,400 GW of offshore wind by 2050 to drive decarbonisation and green recovery from the COVID-19 crisis in this press release published by Global Wind Energy Council and republished by Orsted, MingYang Smart Energy, JERA, and CWind, amongst others. OREAC […]

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