Featured: Ocean Panel member representatives join meeting at the Élysée in Paris Arrow Featured: Read the new report on ocean and human health Arrow Featured: Countries sign onto a joint declaration on ocean and climate action Arrow

The Ocean Genome Helps Fight Disease: Here’s How We Save It

Ines Aguiar Branco, Lauren Thuringer, Colette Wabnitz, Rachel Wynberg, Henrik Österblom and Robert Blasiak discuss how to safeguard the ocean genome and share its benefits equitably, featuring insights from Blue Paper ‘The Ocean Genome: Conservation and the Fair, Equitable and Sustainable Use of Marine Genetic Resources’ in this WRI Insights blog. Republished by Cleantechnica.  

Towards Ocean Equity

Jane Lubchenco, Expert Group co-chair and Henrik Österblom, Colette Wabnitz and Afrina Choudhury, Blue Paper authors, share their reflections on the Blue Paper ‘Towards Ocean Equity’ and its suggested opportunities for action in this webinar hosted by WRI.   View event page

Fast-Tracking Law-Abiding Ships at Ports Could Help End Illegal Fishing

Nicola Frost, Tony Long, Stephanie Juwana and Mansi Konar highlight how fast-tracking law-abiding ships at ports could help end illegal fishing, featuring insights from the Blue Paper ‘Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing and Associated Drivers’ in this WRI Insights blog.

Harnessing the Power of the Ocean Data Revolution

Jim Leape, Mark Abbott, Annie Brett, Ines Aguiar Branco and Johannes Friedrich discuss how to harness the power of the ocean data revolution, featuring insights from Blue Paper ‘Technology, Data and New Models for Sustainably Managing Ocean Resources’ in this WRI Insights blog.

Life Below Water, One Ocean, Seventeen SDGs

UN SDG Media Zone interview with Jim Leape, Blue Paper author, and Peter Thomson, Ocean Panel supporting member, on how the ocean can help deliver on the SDGs.

The Future Of The Ocean

Christopher Costello and Reniel Cabral, Blue Paper lead authors of ‘The Future of Food from the Sea’ and ‘The Expected Impacts of Climate Change on the Ocean Economy’ present key findings in this event hosted by WRI.  

The Ocean: From Victim to Solution to Climate Change

Jane Lubchenco, Ocean Panel Expert Group co-chair and Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, lead author of the Special Report ‘The Ocean as a Solution for Climate Change: Five Opportunities for Action’ present key findings in this webinar.    

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