Featured: Read the new Blue Paper: ‘Co-producing Sustainable Ocean Plans with Indigenous and traditional knowledge holders’ Arrow Featured: Ocean Panel announces the ‘100% Alliance’, a new campaign that calls on all ocean and coastal states to commit to 100% sustainable ocean management. Arrow Featured: The Ocean Panel publishes its second progress report. Arrow Featured: Leaders Call for All Ocean States to Join Alliance For 100% Sustainable Ocean Management; Welcomes UAE as Newest Member Arrow

Fast-Tracking Law-Abiding Ships at Ports Could Help End Illegal Fishing

Nicola Frost, Tony Long, Stephanie Juwana and Mansi Konar highlight how fast-tracking law-abiding ships at ports could help end illegal fishing, featuring insights from the Blue Paper ‘Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing and Associated Drivers’ in this WRI Insights blog.

Harnessing the Power of the Ocean Data Revolution

Jim Leape, Mark Abbott, Annie Brett, Ines Aguiar Branco and Johannes Friedrich discuss how to harness the power of the ocean data revolution, featuring insights from Blue Paper ‘Technology, Data and New Models for Sustainably Managing Ocean Resources’ in this WRI Insights blog.

Securing Seafood for the Future

Uhuru Kenyatta, President of Kenya and Ocean Panel member calls for accelerating sustainable development of seafood sectors in this op-ed published on PANAPRESS. (Behind a paywall and republished by Seafood Source.)

Turning the Tide: Ocean-Based Solutions Could Close Emission Gap by 21%

Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, Eliza Northrop, Joyashree Roy, Mansi Konar and Jane Lubchenco discuss ocean-based solutions to climate change, featuring insights from Special Report ‘The Ocean as a Solution to Climate Change: Five Opportunities for Action’ in this WRI Insights blog.

Look to the Ocean for Climate Change Solutions

Ocean Panel Co-Chairs Erna Solberg, Prime Minister of Norway and Tommy Remengesau Jr., President of Palau urge us to look to the ocean for climate change solutions in this CNN Opinion piece.

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