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Beyond GDP: National Accounting for the Ocean and Ocean Economy

Jul 22, 2020
Source: World Resources Institute

This webinar launches the Blue Paper ‘National Accounting for the Ocean and Ocean Economy’ which highlights the opportunity for incorporating ocean accounts into national accounting frameworks and the data and technology already available at our fingertips to do so. The webinar also features the work of the Global Ocean Accounts Partnership (GOAP), a global partnership designed to advance greater coordination and alignment between country efforts through a shared technical framework for ocean. Featuring Catherine Blewett, Canada’s Ocean Panel Sherpa; Eli Fenichel Blue Paper co-lead author; Glenn-Marie Lange, Senior Environmental Economist, World Bank; Claire Jolly, Head, STI Ocean Economy Group, OECD; Teerapong Praphotjanaporn, Asia-Pacific Communities of Practices, Global Ocean Accounts Partnership (GOAP); David Obura, Director, CORDIO East Africa; and Eliza Northrop, Policy Lead, Sustainable Ocean Initiative, World Resources Institute.


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