Pérdida de biodiversidad se acelera en el planeta: especialista
La Jornada covers the launch of the Blue Paper ‘Critical Habitats and Biodiversity: Inventory, Thresholds and Governance’.
La Jornada covers the launch of the Blue Paper ‘Critical Habitats and Biodiversity: Inventory, Thresholds and Governance’.
WRI press release announces the launch of the Blue Paper ‘Critical Habitats and Biodiversity: Inventory, Thresholds and Governance’.
Nature Sustainability publishes an adapted version of the Blue Paper ‘The Ocean Genome: Conservation and the Fair, Equitable and Sustainable Use of Marine Genetic Resources’.
Olai Uludong, Ocean Panel Sherpa for Palau and Robert Blasiak, Kirsten Grorud-Colvert, Siva Thambisetty, Rachel Wynberg, and Alex Rogers, Blue Paper authors, discuss how to protect the unique genetic diversity of the ocean and how to distribute the benefits that come from exploring the ocean genome, featuring insights from the Blue Paper ‘The Ocean Genome: […]
Ines Aguiar Branco, Lauren Thuringer, Colette Wabnitz, Rachel Wynberg, Henrik Österblom and Robert Blasiak discuss how to safeguard the ocean genome and share its benefits equitably, featuring insights from Blue Paper ‘The Ocean Genome: Conservation and the Fair, Equitable and Sustainable Use of Marine Genetic Resources’ in this WRI Insights blog. Republished by Cleantechnica.
Martha Delgado, Mexico’s Ocean Panel Sherpa and Undersecretary for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights reflects on how the ocean can be a solution in pandemic recovery in this op-ed published on Excelsior. (Spanish only)
BBC World News features the Blue Paper ‘The Ocean Genome: Conservation and the Fair, Equitable and Sustainable Use of Marine Genetic Resources’ with lead authors Robert Blasiak and Julia Sigwart. ——— With marine life threatened by pollution, habitat loss and degradation, measures are being put in place to safeguard genetic diversity. But more action is […]
Ruth Kagia, Kenya’s Ocean Panel Sherpa and Deputy Chief of Staff (Policy & Strategy) calls on African nations to unite against illegal fishing in this op-ed published in The Africa Report.
Jane Lubchenco, Expert Group co-chair and Henrik Österblom, Colette Wabnitz and Afrina Choudhury, Blue Paper authors, share their reflections on the Blue Paper ‘Towards Ocean Equity’ and its suggested opportunities for action in this webinar hosted by WRI. View event page
Tommy Remengesau Jr., President of Palau and Ocean Panel member reflects on how ocean degradation falls heaviest on those least responsible in this op-ed published on The Sydney Morning Herald.