Presentado: Read the new Blue Paper: ‘Co-producing Sustainable Ocean Plans with Indigenous and traditional knowledge holders’ Arrow Presentado: Ocean Panel announces the ‘100% Alliance’, a new campaign that calls on all ocean and coastal states to commit to 100% sustainable ocean management. Arrow Presentado: The Ocean Panel publishes its second progress report. Arrow Presentado: Leaders Call for All Ocean States to Join Alliance For 100% Sustainable Ocean Management; Welcomes UAE as Newest Member Arrow

100% Alliance for Sustainable Ocean Management

Action So Far

This new campaign calls on all coastal and ocean states to commit to sustainably manage 100% of ocean areas under national jurisdiction.

The ‘100% Alliance’ will unite countries and partners in making commitments to protect, restore and sustainably manage the ocean. Led by the governments of Chile and France, in partnership with the Ocean Panel, and coordinated by the World Resources Institute, the campaign will lead the charge for ambitious global action towards the next UN Ocean Conference (co-hosted by France and Costa Rica) in Nice in June 2025, and beyond. Its ultimate aim is to ensure that all ocean areas under national jurisdiction are sustainably managed by 2030. The ocean, the world’s largest ecosystem is facing a triple planetary crisis – from climate change, pollution, and overfishing. Ecosystems are breaking down, fish stocks are declining, and plastics are found in every corner of the ocean.

These challenges cannot be addressed if some areas of the ocean are managed sustainably, yet other areas are left open to exploitation. Grounded in a comprehensive evidence base and network of over 350 global experts, the Ocean Panel has set out a clear case for a sustainable ocean economy through 100% sustainable ocean management – as critical to protect the health of the ocean and to achieve SDG14 ‘Life below water’.

Momentum is building.

The member coutries of the Ocean Panel have committed to 100% sustainable management of their national waters, guided by Sustainable Ocean Plans – a unifying ‘umbrella’ for ocean-related governance and a policy framework that facilitates holistic sustainable use of the ocean.

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The leaders of the Pacific Islands have committed to holistic sustainable use of the ocean and to the goal of 100% effective sustainable ocean management of the Blue Pacific Continent. Also, Sustainable Ocean Plans are becoming increasingly recognised as critical in ensuring sustainable ocean management, for example under the UN, through the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO.

The ask: in uniting with the 100% Alliance, participating nations are invited to commit to and champion the goal of sustainable management of 100% of ocean areas under national jurisdiction, guided by Sustainable Ocean Plans, by 2030.

The Offer: countries will be invited to join the Ocean Action 2030 coalition and access the support of leading global institutions dedicated to providing technical and financial assistance to develop and implement Sustainable Ocean Plans to countries that require additional resources and capacity. This includes access to a Rapid Assistance Fund to support initial development, for eligible countries.

In joining this united ambition and committing to 100% sustainable ocean management, countries will take a collective step forward towards the critical targets of SDG14, to conserve and sustainably use the ocean, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.

The ocean gives us so much, let’s give it 100%.

For more information contact Cynthia Barzuna at:



Planes Oceánicos Sostenibles

¿Qué es un Plan Oceánico Sostenible?

A Sustainable Ocean Plan (SOP) is a comprehensive framework designed to guide the sustainable management of a country’s ocean resources. It serves as a unifying “umbrella” for ocean-related governance, integrating existing and new plans, processes, and policies into a coherent and integrated whole.

SOPs are country-specific, and will vary given different country contexts, starting conditions and resources. All SOPs will chart a country’s course towards 100% sustainable ocean management, and will evolve over time through the iterative cycles.

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