精选: Read the new Blue Paper: ‘Co-producing Sustainable Ocean Plans with Indigenous and traditional knowledge holders’ Arrow 精选: Ocean Panel announces the ‘100% Alliance’, a new campaign that calls on all ocean and coastal states to commit to 100% sustainable ocean management. Arrow 精选: The Ocean Panel publishes its second progress report. Arrow 精选: Leaders Call for All Ocean States to Join Alliance For 100% Sustainable Ocean Management; Welcomes UAE as Newest Member Arrow




海洋专家组联合主席 Jane Lubchenco 和成员 Steve Gaines 在这篇科学文章中讨论了海洋的新叙述。

6 海洋最近的希望迹象

世界资源研究所可持续海洋倡议主任克里斯蒂安·泰勒基(Kristian Teleki)强调了海洋新的积极发展,包括在这个世界资源研究所洞察博客中创建海洋小组。

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