Appendix A

Ocean Panel Action Groups

Action Group
Ocean Action 2030

The Ocean Action 2030 coalition was formed in response to the new ocean action agenda launched by the Ocean Panel in 2020 in which member countries announced a shared vision for the sustainable development of the ocean in the next decade—where effective protection, sustainable production and equitable prosperity go hand in hand. It aims to provide technical and financial assistance to countries to help them develop and implement SOPs. The coalition does this by raising ambition, providing technical and/or financial assistance and sharing best practices.

  • The coalition hosts bi-monthly meetings with SOP focal points to facilitate capacity building and knowledge exchange, and has held four joint learning events to-date including three in-person events in Mexico, Panama, and Antigua and Barbuda, and one virtual event.
  • Ocean Action 2030 launched the Rapid Assistance Fund to address the challenge of accessing traditional large-scale financing for sustainable ocean management. By providing expedited access to smaller amounts of funding, it will enable countries to kick-start the process of developing their SOPs.
  • The coalition is in the process of building a knowledge platform to provide up-to-date information, tools and resources for current and prospective countries to develop and implement Sustainable Ocean Plans.
Action Group
Global Ocean Accounts Partnership (GOAP)

GOAP’s aim is to enable countries and other stakeholders to go beyond GDP to measure and manage progress towards sustainable ocean development using ocean accounts. GOAP brings together governments, international organisations and research institutions to build a global community of practice for ocean accounting to do the following:  

  • Accelerate and implement the Ocean Panel’s commitments, SDG 14, targets 15.9 and 17.19 and other relevant international agendas. 
  • Assist in sourcing financial or in-kind support for the development and implementation of ocean accounting initiatives (aiming for at least 30 countries by 2030 to build complete sequences of national ocean accounts).
  • Catalyse and connect ocean accounts experts to establish a global expert panel to facilitate the creation of new knowledge to advance the development and global uptake of ocean accounting in decision-making, development planning, policies, laws and other ocean governance processes.
  • Provide a communication and collaboration platform (facilitating events, workshops and trainings) for the global community of practice to engage in mutual capacity development and share knowledge on ocean accounting.
Action Group
Tourism Action Coalition for a Sustainable Ocean (TACSO)

TACSO drives collective action to build resilience by measurably increasing coastal and marine protection and ecosystem restoration through nature-based solutions. It aims to enhance stakeholder engagement to increase socioeconomic benefits at host destinations and across the value chain. TASCO has created a resource portal for implementing sustainable tourism in the ocean (the Blue Tourism Resource Portal) through collaboration with the World Bank. This enables stakeholders to access knowledge to support implementation on sustainable ocean initiatives and coastal tourism.

Action Group
1000 Ocean Startups (10000S)

The 1000 Ocean Startups coalition unites the global ecosystem of incubators, accelerators, competitions, matching platforms, and venture capital and corporate venture capital firms supporting start-ups for ocean impact. The coalition’s existing 49 members are leading players in the ocean impact innovation ecosystem and have collectively backed over 350 ocean start-ups around the world, with more than US$2 billion in assets under management. 1000 Ocean Startups’ vision is to mainstream the ocean impact innovation ecosystem and bring the sector to maturity. The coalition aims to scale at least 1,000 transformative start-ups by the end of the UN Ocean Decade to restore ocean health and achieve SDG 14. 

Action Group
Blue Food Partnership (BFP)

The BFP brings together stakeholders from the private sector, non-governmental and inter-governmental organisations, scientists and governments to build the sustainability of blue foods by improving the sector’s transparency, governance and management structures. Connecting to policy and science, it is informed by the Ocean Panel’s 2030 ocean food priority areas and the scientific findings of the Blue Food Assessment, which seeks to better understand the role of blue food in global food systems and to support decision-makers in evaluating the opportunities and trade-offs in implementing solutions.

Action Group
Ocean Data Action Coalition (ODAC)

ODAC brings together leaders from science, technology and governments to unlock ocean data across all sectors. At the core of this work is the Ocean Data Platform, a tool that makes it easier to share, collect, store and work with ocean data. HUB Ocean aims to do the following:

  • Break down technological and human barriers to ocean data sharing.
  • Develop business models that promote the unblocking of business data.
  • Dismantle the regulatory and policy barriers to ocean data sharing.
Action Group
Ocean Renewable Energy Action Coalition (OREAC)

Spearheaded by the Global Wind Energy Council, OREAC was formed in response to the 2019 call for ocean-based climate action by the Ocean Panel, and represented ocean energy in the global dialogue on a sustainable ocean economy. It did the following:

  • Increased awareness of the benefits of ocean-based renewable energy for economic development (e.g. GDP, industrial development), social development (e.g. jobs in coastal areas) and environmental protection.
  • Developed a report outlining how to achieve 1,400 gigawatts of offshore wind by 2050.
  • Created a toolkit to help countries self-assess market and regulatory readiness for scaling offshore wind.
  • Engaged governments to assess their offshore wind potential, identify socioeconomic opportunities and secure national commitments to expand offshore wind capacity.

OREAC’s success led to the creation of two new initiatives:

  • Global Offshore Wind Alliance: A diplomatic, multi-stakeholder alliance comprised of up to 20 members to ramp-up offshore wind
  • Ocean Energy Pathway: An offshore wind accelerator to advance global clean energy by unlocking the immense resource of offshore wind power
Action Group
Shipping Decarbonisation Action Coalition

To deliver decarbonised shipping by 2050, without which it will be impossible to decarbonise global supply chains and the global economy, the coalition called upon world leaders to work together with the private sector to deliver the right enabling environment with clear and unambiguous timelines and regulations.


Note: GOAP = Global Ocean Accounts Partnership; TACSO = Tourism Action Coalition for a Sustainable Ocean; BFP = Blue Food Partnership; ODAC = Ocean Data Action Coalition; OREAC = Ocean Renewable Energy Action Coalition; SOP = Sustainable Ocean Plan; GDP = gross domestic product; SDG = Sustainable Development Goal.

The High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy (Ocean Panel) is a global initiative led by 14 world leaders committed to creating a sustainable ocean economy that balances effective protection, sustainable production, and equitable prosperity. Since its establishment in 2018, the Ocean Panel has collaborated with governments, businesses, scientists, and civil society to develop bold, practical solutions for ocean sustainability. Co-chaired by Norway and Palau, the Ocean Panel’s work includes comprehensive research and partnerships aimed at achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals and shaping a resilient future for both people and the planet.

Learn More
Ocean Panel Progress Report 2024

Ocean Panel Progress Report 2024

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