Commitments from Ocean Panel member countries were mapped against the Transformations agenda, showing trends from 2017 to 2023
Key Pillars
El panel del océano Transformaciones agenda outlines a set of ambitious, yet practical recommendations to reshape the way we safeguard and utilise the ocean over the next decade—and ultimately manage humanity’s impacts on it—through transformative actions across these 5 key pillars.
Additionally, the relevance and significance of the Ocean Panel’s Transformaciones agenda does not stop at the shoreline. The agenda directly aligns with the Paris Agreement, the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and 85 percent of the targets of the Convention on Biological Diversity’s Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.
2023 Showed Increases Across All Pillars by Percentage
Building on the 2022 Progress Report, the Ocean Panel is continuing to make significant progress across all five pillars, with a higher number of voluntary commitments and a greater range of commitments across previously overlooked themes.
Encouraging Progress
A comparison of the commitments made each year against the five areas of the Ocean Panel’s Transformaciones agenda indicates that ocean health priorities are being increasingly complemented with commitments for sustainable production, with intensifying efforts on equitable and inclusive ocean economy.
Continued Assessment
Ocean Panel commitments made at the Our Ocean Conference and the UN Ocean Conference will continue to be tracked and progress will be assessed in upcoming progress reports.
Transformations Agenda Outcomes for 2030
The Ocean Panel’s framework consists of a set of 14 outcomes for 2030 across the five pillars and 74 priority actions to achieve them. While Ocean Panel countries have a shared destination in the 2030 outcomes, the priority actions taken by members to achieve these outcomes may vary based on national circumstances, capacity, and priorities.
Transformación | Resultado 2030 |
riqueza oceánica
Resultado 2030
Sustainable ocean food: Wild fish stocks are restored and harvested at sustainable levels, aquaculture is sustainably grown to meet global needs and waste is minimised and managed throughout the value chain. Sustainable ocean energy: Ocean-based renewable energy is fast growing and on the path to becoming a leading source of energy for the world. Sustainable ocean-based tourism: Coastal and ocean-based tourism is sustainable, is resilient, addresses climate change, reduces pollution, supports ecosystem regeneration and biodiversity conservation and invests in local jobs and communities. Sustainable ocean transport: Las inversiones en transporte marítimo han acelerado efectivamente el cambio hacia embarcaciones marinas de bajo impacto y cero emisiones. Sustainable new ocean industries: La innovación y las inversiones en nuevas industrias oceánicas han impulsado un crecimiento económico ambientalmente responsable e inclusivo. A precautionary approach to seabed mining: Existen suficientes conocimientos y regulaciones para garantizar que cualquier actividad relacionada con la minería de los fondos marinos esté informada por la ciencia y sea ecológicamente sostenible. |
Salud del océano
Resultado 2030
Reduced greenhouse gas emissions: La acción climática ambiciosa ha encaminado al mundo para lograr los objetivos del Acuerdo de París y restaurar la salud de los océanos. Protected and restored marine and coastal ecosystems: Los ecosistemas marinos y costeros son saludables, resistentes y productivos, y las soluciones basadas en la naturaleza son elementos clave en el desarrollo de la infraestructura costera. Reduced ocean pollution: El océano ya no es un sumidero de contaminación y las zonas muertas del océano se minimizan. |
Equidad oceánica
Resultado 2030
Equal opportunity to benefit from the ocean: Las personas tienen acceso equitativo a los recursos oceánicos, los beneficios se distribuyen equitativamente y los más vulnerables están protegidos del riesgo de daño. |
Conocimiento del océano
Resultado 2030
Strengthened ocean literacy and skills: Through the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science, ocean literacy has been enhanced worldwide. People understand the value of the ocean and have acquired the skills and knowledge to participate in the sustainable ocean economy. The value of the ocean is accounted for: La toma de decisiones que afectan al océano refleja el valor y el impacto del capital natural del océano. Ocean science, technology and data are harnessed: Una revolución de datos compartidos a nivel mundial ha contribuido a la gestión sostenible de los océanos en todo el mundo. |
Finanzas oceánicas
Resultado 2030
Sustainable ocean finance: La financiación oceánica sostenible es accesible para todos e impulsa un crecimiento económico ecológicamente sostenible y socialmente equitativo. |